Sunny's Song (Friends Lovers or Nothing Book 2) Read online

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  “No because I was in Vegas working.”

  “No you weren’t. You were in Vegas partying with Aiden. But I won’t tell Xavier if you don’t tell Garrett that his mother’s Christmas gift was just a bag I wasn’t using anymore.”

  “You didn’t even buy her a new bag, Daniela? That’s foul!”

  “She doesn’t need a brand new bag. Why spend another fifteen grand on a Birken when I can just give her one of mine and she won’t notice the difference?”

  “Because that’s your mother-in-law.”

  “So!” she huffed. “What has she done to deserve a fifteen thousand dollar bag?”

  “She birthed your meal ticket.”

  “That’s all she did. When’s the last time she came to a game? Or the last time she had to sit and listen to Garrett moan and groan about his ankle? When she does fifteen thousand dollars worth of work towards his career, I’ll buy her a brand new Birken bag. And we’re not talking about me, we’re talking about Leilani.”

  “What happened with Leilani?” I asked.

  “Girl, Damon’s momma and his baby momma tried to fight her after the game. His mother, Sunny!”

  I’m not surprised. Everyone in the league knows that Anita Hughes is batshit crazy and so is Damon’s BM. I don’t see why Leilani is voluntarily marrying into that crazy.

  “Don’t feel bad for Leilani,” I stated. “She handles her business and is not bothered by Anita or Tonya. I see her every time I go home. Damon better get a handle on that situation or Leilani is not going to marry him. She has too much going on for her to be worried about the Hughes family.”

  Mariah, the rookie point guard’s girlfriend, turned around and said, “There are trade rumors. Word is that Damon might be coming here.”

  Daniela scowled, probably because Mariah had been listening to our conversation.

  “First of all, Damon Hughes is not coming to New York. Believe me, I know that for a fact. And you, Mariah, should be grateful for that because Leilani would be his wife by then and you’d be even lower on the totem pole. Plus, if Damon came to New York, your man would be out of a job.”

  Mariah, having been properly read by the Queen, turned back around in her seat and began to mind her own business again. It was only the second quarter and I was already tired of talking about basketball wives. I was aching to talk about another topic. My trip to Vegas hadn’t ended the way I expected. I’ve been back almost a week and I haven’t heard a peep from my best friend.

  Aiden’s quickie wedding to that gold-digging whore of a supermodel floored me. Seeing that gold ring wrapped around his finger felt like all of the air in my lungs was being squeezed out of me by the devil’s hands. I shouldn’t have any feelings except happiness that my friend is married and moving on with his life. I’m getting married next year. The difference is that I’m marrying Xavier because I’m in love with him and have been for three years. There’s no possible way that Aiden and Ramey are in love. I can’t even believe that they’re in like with one another. Their relationship is one long booty call that just won’t end. How can I take them seriously?

  I know that Daniela and the rest of the girls know about his Vegas wedding. It’s been all over every entertainment site and gossip blog since they arrived back in Los Angeles. However, none of them have brought it up and I need to talk about it. I need to vent because this is the stupidest thing Aiden has ever done thus far.

  “You’re tripping,” Daniela said after I finished telling her everything that had gone down in Vegas. “I’m still trying to understand why you’re so broken up over this. Yes, Ramey is a gold-digging whore but Aiden is smart and has a smart manager and very good attorneys. I’m sure they’re going to make sure he’s protected when that disaster of a marriage ends next month.”

  “The problem,” I explained, “is that I hate her. I can’t even be in the same room with Ramey. And since I can’t be in the same room with his wife without wanting to choke her, how can I be around him?”

  “You’re making a big deal out of nothing, Sunny. You and Aiden are good. You go through your ups and downs but you don’t have to like the people around him. All you have to do is be his friend. Besides, that marriage isn’t going to last, I promise.”

  I want to believe her. I really do. Aiden and I were just starting to get back to a good place after we fell out a few years ago. I can’t go through losing him again. He truly is my best friend. I have a very hard time functioning when he and I aren’t on good terms. Even though it’s not romantic, I love him with all of my heart. He’s family.

  Tears were falling onto my jumpsuit before I even realized I was crying. Daniela grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the suite and into the private restroom. I’ve never seen her move so fast in her life.

  “I’m no therapist,” she said as she hugged me. “But, do you have feelings for Aiden? Is that why you’re so upset? Are you in love with him?”

  “I used to be,” I admitted. “A long time ago. I don’t feel the same anymore but still, I care about him and I know how he is. He’ll let that woman tear us apart.”

  “You can’t give her that power. Keep the lines of communication open between the two of you and don’t let his wife invade your relationship.”

  She began dabbing at my eyes with a piece of tissue. “Besides, you have Xavier and if he’s not getting in the way of your relationship with Aiden, as jealous as he is, no one can. I’m going to go back in the suite but you need to go home. I’ll text my driver and have him meet you outside.”

  “Xavier and I are going to dinner,” I told her.

  I began wiping my face and wishing my purse wasn’t still inside the suite since I’d cried off all of my eye makeup.

  “Maybe you and X need to order in. I’ll tell him you had a headache or something. Just go, Sunny.”

  I decided to take Daniela’s advice and went back to our apartment. After changing into a t-shirt and pajama pants, I made a cup of tea and curled up on the sofa with my iPad. I had about ten emails from my agent and a nice long email from Erica, my other best friend. She and Aiden’s sisters wanted to know if I was okay and if I was going to make Sara’s wedding after what went down in Vegas.

  I don’t know about that. Ramey and Aiden are definitely going to be in Mt. Vernon that weekend. He wouldn’t miss his sister’s wedding and I don’t want to be in a situation where I might punch his wife.

  As I scrolled through my messages, what I didn’t see was anything from Aiden. I know he knows that his shotgun wedding upset me. He could at least call to see how I’m doing. I decided to be the bigger person and give him a call. His line rang about four times. I hung up without leaving a voicemail. He called me right back.

  “Why’d you hang up?” he asked as soon as I answered.

  “I didn’t want to leave a message,” I answered. “Why didn’t you just pick up the phone?”

  “I was trying to get to a place where I could talk.”

  “Oh really? Your wife’s screening your calls already?”

  “Do not start, Sunny. What do you want?”

  I’m sure my face twisted up into a scowl that would put the fear of God into Aiden Tyler. Too bad he couldn’t see me.

  “What do I want? I have to have a reason to call you now?”

  “Are you calling to apologize?”

  “Hell no!” I screeched. “What exactly would I be apologizing for?”

  “Sunny, you told my wife that she was my poor choice for a backup plan and that our relationship was just a photo-op. You don’t think I’d be a little pissed by that?”

  “I was telling the truth. I call it how I see it.”

  “Bye, Sunny.”

  “You’re going to hang up because of that?” I snickered. “Really? After you called my relationship superficial? I seem to remember you telling people that Xavier was gay and I was his beard. You don’t remember that?”

  “I was telling the truth. I call it how I see it.”

  I took a deep b
reath and tried to will away the smart comment that was lingering on my tongue. “Are we really going to do this, Aiden?”

  “Sunny, you made it clear how you felt in Vegas. There’s really nothing left to talk about. I’m married to Ramey. You’re marrying Xavier. It’s clear that all you and I will ever be is friends-”

  “Yeah, if your wife lets us be that.”

  On the other end, Aiden was quiet for a second. I heard him breathing and barely heard Delilah and Ramey screaming at each other in the background.

  “That’s what this call is about?” he finally spoke.

  “Part of it. I want to know where we stand knowing that I hate your wife and she hates me. How is that going to affect us?”

  “It’s only going to affect us if you let it, Sunny,” Aiden replied.

  “No,” I corrected him. “It’s going to affect us because you will let it. Aiden, you do this every time you get in any kind of relationship, temporary or not. Your chick doesn’t like me so you start to distance yourself from me. What I need to know is if that’s what you’re going to do this time. If so, tell me now so I can deal with it and won’t be upset six months down the road.”

  “Maybe, if you tried to get to know my chick, we wouldn’t even be having this problem.”

  I burst out laughing. This boy is slow!

  “Ha!” I snorted. “You think I don’t know Ramey? I’ve worked with Ramey. I probably know more about Ramey Hall than you do, which of course, is the reason why I can’t take this relationship seriously. Maybe you should get to know her. Then you’ll see the reason why Ramey and I will never get along. Ever.”

  “So, you’re not even going to try?”

  “Are you going to spend some time with X to get to know him?”

  “Not at all,” Aiden laughed.

  “Then you know my answer. So tell me, what does that do for our relationship?”

  “Nothing,” he answered. “Sunny, you’re still my number one girl. Need I remind you that you made that point in Vegas too? No one is going to come between us. I promise. And if I did allow that to happen before, I’m sorry.”

  I was definitely taken aback by his apology. Aiden rarely apologizes when he’s wrong and knows it. He never apologizes if he doesn’t think he’s wrong. That’s why his relationship with his parents is so messed up.

  “If I told you I loved you, would you take it the wrong way?” I smiled.

  “Nah, I love you too. We’re cool?”

  “We’re cool, Aiden.”

  “Good. I have a session so I’ll call you tomorrow, alright?”



  “Love and chicken grease,” I finished with a giggle.

  Chapter 2: Walking on Thin Ice

  Days turned into weeks; weeks turned to months and life moved on like it was supposed to. After Sara’s wedding in Mt. Vernon, I can’t say that Aiden’s promise remained true. Or maybe it’s me. Sometimes, life really does get in the way of friendships. Living three thousand miles apart on two different coasts isn’t exactly a key ingredient in a good friendship.

  Our communication is sporadic, to put it nicely. It’s hard to talk to Aiden when he’s always booked for a studio session, playing a show, or laid up with Ramey. To everyone’s surprise, their marriage has lasted longer than thirty days. In fact, it’s nearing six months. By the time my Christmas wedding comes along, they’ll be about to celebrate their one year anniversary.

  When we do speak or see each other, Aiden and I avoid talking about our relationships. I don’t really care what Ramey’s up to because I know what she’s up to. Her dwindling modeling career has picked up since she married the bad boy of blue-eyed soul. She couldn’t have done better if she’d married John Mayer or Cash Myers.

  Thankfully, my agent Jade is smart enough not to book me on any jobs that Ramey is working. She’s in and out of New York quite often that I know Jade struggles with that demand. Thankfully, I’m in and out of New York just as often as Aiden’s starter wife. When she’s working in New York, I make it a point to get out to Los Angeles to see my boy and his sister. I’m sensing the situation with Aiden is going to get better soon because he’s in Atlanta for a few months recording his next album and my wedding is going to be in Atlanta. As the big days nears, I’ll be spending more time there than any other place.

  “Sunny! Where are you?”

  I heard Xavier calling me from the kitchen. I wasn’t expecting him home. He’s supposed to be in Louisiana with his family for another couple of days. For the last three years, he’s gone to Lafayette as soon as the season ended, without me most of the time.

  “I’m in the living room working.”

  I heard him chuckle as he walked towards the biggest room in the apartment. He mumbled something about drawing isn’t real work. When he does get in here, I’m going to slap him with my sketchpad. Maybe then, he’ll see how much work I’ve been doing. He doesn’t know that Aiden gave me a hundred grand to start my collection and he never will. But since the money is sitting in my bank account, I owe it to my friend to sketch my heart away and eventually start sewing all these clothes I’m drawing.

  “There’s my beautiful fiancée.” He smiled from ear to ear. “Did you miss me?”

  “Of course I did. C’mere and let me show you.”

  I stretched out on my back on the extra long sofa, custom made to accommodate his abnormal height, and gave Xavier my best “come hither” gaze. My t-shirt dress rose just enough to give him an inviting peek at my tanned thighs.

  He slowly slid his long body on top of mine and began kissing my neck. I still had my sketchpad in my hand and playfully hit him with it.

  “What was that for?”

  “I heard what you said.”

  “You know I was just playing,” he said, nuzzling my neck as he pressed against me.

  “You better be.”

  Xavier’s hands came up my side to cup my breasts as he kissed my neck more ardently.

  “I’m hungry, baby,” I moaned feebly, turning my head to the side to give him access to the spot just below my ear.

  “You know I’m going to feed you,” he replied as his hands moved to my hips and he rubbed his full-blown erection seductively against my leg. “My grand-mere sent plenty of food back with me.”

  “Oh God,” I sighed softly. “I love you and your family so much.”

  “We love you too. You wanna show me how much you missed me?”

  I lifted my hips enough to raise my dress up to my waist and wrapped my legs around him. Xavier eased the dress up further, planting kisses along each piece of skin that he uncovered until I was lying beneath him in my bra and thong.

  He cupped my breasts and brushed his lips over the satin of my bra. I moaned when he unhooked the front clasp and teased my breasts with his tongue. I slid his basketball shorts down easily and reached for his erection, stroking its smooth hardness. I closed my eyes as Xavier positioned himself above me and slid my damp thong down. He tossed it over his shoulder like it was nothing then entered me in one deep smooth stroke. Automatically, my hips started moving in sync with his.

  Even after three years, making love to Xavier is a brand new experience every time. He’s so thorough, so gentle, even when he’s rough. When we make love, it’s as if we we’re falling in love all over again. He’s my soul mate. I’m sure of it.

  As we came together, I felt his release deep inside side of me as stars danced behind my eyelids and my orgasm swept over me in waves. He collapsed weakly onto me as he caught his breath. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close against my bosom, stroking his head as our hearts beat at the same pace.

  “You want the jambalaya or the red beans and rice first?” Xavier murmured.

  “Doesn’t matter to me. Just don’t heat it up in the microwave.”

  “You gotta learn how to cook like a Duchamp, baby. My mom already volunteered to teach you.”

  “You’re just trying to fatten me up so yo
u can put a baby in me. Isn’t that what your grand-mere said?”

  Xavier patted my behind then rose from the sofa. “She did say you were too skinny but I think a baby would add a few pounds on its own, don’t you?”

  “I think your grand-mere’s jambalaya will do that too.”


  Xavier’s light snores brought a satisfied smile to my face. Good sex will knock him out in an instant. Same with me. After a couple of hours of sleep, I felt energized and restless. After slipping on Xavier’s t-shirt, I left our pitch-black bedroom and went downstairs. Xavier needs total darkness when he sleeps. Even the slightest bit of light will either wake him up or prevent him from falling asleep. Our windows are covered by blackout shades and heavy black curtains. The walls are even painted black. I still walk into the corner of the bed or doorframe when I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. The worst part of Xavier’s light aversion is that from our bedroom, we have an amazing view of Manhattan. Such a waste because I hardly ever get to see it.

  I grabbed a big ceramic bowl and the half-gallon of my butter pecan ice cream. I dropped a couple scoops into my bowl then decided to add a scoop of Xavier’s Häagen Daz dulce de leche. I sat at the counter watching the last twenty minutes of Fashion Police on the twenty-two inch flat screen mounted in the wall in the kitchen we hardly use unless one of our mothers is here.

  Just as Joan was ripping into pop sensation Eva for a dress that she wore at a movie premier, the screen went dark then cut to E! News.

  “We have breaking news out of Atlanta. Singer/songwriter Aiden Tyler is in critical condition tonight after a bus barreled into the Mercedes he and his sister were riding in. Although we don’t have an update on the singer’s condition, his management has just released this statement…

  "Thanks for your prayers and support for Aiden. He is alive but critical and surrounded by family and friends. We would greatly appreciate everyone respecting his privacy at this time and ask for your continued prayers.”

  Even if I wanted to speak, I couldn’t. As my heart was imitating a college drumline and my lungs forgot to operate, my brain frantically worked to decipher and digest what I’d just heard.