Sunny's Song (Friends Lovers or Nothing Book 2) Read online

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  “Uhhh, cousin,” Jordan said. “What you need me for? Me and Mikayla don’t have celebrity connections.”

  “But you can make this even go viral. The more fans that turn out, the better. I’m working with Marcus over at the Gwinnet Center. That places holds thirteen thousand and I’m trying to fill it for Aiden.”

  I don’t know how they do it since they don’t do anything but go to college and post the most random stuff on Facebook and Twitter, but my cousins are pretty much social media gurus. They have so many followers that a couple of tweets from them can generate a pretty good turnout. When I open my own business, I’m definitely hiring them to run my social media. I don’t have time for Twitter.

  The planning was going so smoothly that by the time our third bottle of wine was empty, we’d practically planned the entire event. Aiden definitely needs this. If he didn’t love me before, he’s definitely going to love me after.


  The bedroom door creaked open slowly. In the pitch black room, the thin sliver of yellow light from the hall was a welcome relief. I couldn’t sleep and there wasn’t anything on television that I wanted to watch.

  “Who is that?” I spoke out loud since Xavier would never open the door so slowly.

  “Jordan. I heard someone downstairs. You got a gun?”

  “Girl,” I laughed and climbed out of bed. “That ain’t nobody but X.”

  “It’s three in the morning! He should have just stayed where he was at.”

  I burst out laughing. “Did you feel old quoting Aunt Deidre?”

  Jordan’s eyes rolled to the ceiling. “That is what she used to say to my daddy’s cheatin’ ass, huh?”

  “Go back to bed.”

  Jordan shuffled sleepily down the hall back to the guest room as I went downstairs. Xavier was in the living room watching ESPN and eating the rest of my Thai food.

  “Hey,” he said, his voice as dry as the Sahara. “When did you get back?”

  “Earlier today,” I answered as I joined him on the sofa.

  I leaned over to kiss him but he moved his head so my kiss landed on his cheek.

  “How long are you staying?”

  “A few days. The twins are with me. You know they never come up here so I’m going to show them some of New York. Aiden’s mom and older sister are down there helping Delilah with him. I’ll head back home after they leave.”

  I inched closer to my fiancé. We’ve been apart too long. We’ve never gone a month without seeing each other, not even when I lived in Atlanta. Besides, this was no leisure trip to Atlanta. Being there is stressful and right now, I’d love nothing more than Xavier relieving me of some of that stress. I wrapped my arms around his slim waist and sighed.

  “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Yet, you’re only home for a few days. What part of this entire situation do you think I’m cool with, Sunny?”

  I was unprepared for his grouchiness but I rolled with it anyway. My relationship with Aiden has always been a source of contention considering neither one of them likes the other.

  “I don’t think you’re cool with any of it, X. I know how you feel about Aiden. I’m not trying to disregard how you feel. You do realize that I’d put my entire life on hold to care for you too, don’t you?”

  “I’m your man. I would expect nothing less. That guy has a wife. Why can’t she take care of him?”

  I wasn’t about to get into the details of why that bitch was such a horrible wife or the fact that neither me, Delilah, or Dina trust Ramey enough to be alone with Aiden while he’s helpless. Complaining about Ramey will only add fuel to Xavier’s fire.

  “She’s working,” I lied. “She’s there when she can be.”

  “How much longer do you have to be there to help?”

  “He gets his casts off in about three weeks. He’ll be able to do more for himself then. I promise that I’ll be home then.”

  Xavier grinned and lifted me onto his lap. “I’m going to make you keep that promise, Sunny. Three more weeks.”

  “Baby,” I said in between placing butterfly kisses on the side of his neck. “If you don’t think I’d rather be here with you then let’s go upstairs and I’ll prove it.”

  “You have three days to prove it.” Xavier tightened his arms around me. “Tonight, I just want to feel my wife next to me in our bed.”


  “What do you mean you’re still in New York?” I yelled into my phone. “Correction, why the hell are you still in New York?”

  The afternoon of the Get Well Soon event, I was trying my hardest not to lose it. Aside from my wedding, this event is the biggest event I’ve ever organized. Aiden’s friends, fans, and industry peers are in Atlanta to show their support. Damn near everyone he’s ever played with is here but my fiancé is in my ear telling me he isn’t coming. He is not coming to my event. What’s a better word for furiously livid? Because that’s what I am right now.

  “You know what, X? I’m so tired of this. No one gives a shit that you don’t like Aiden. I’m not asking y’all to hang out together. I’m asking you to support me. I’m tired of doing everything by myself and making excuses for why you’re never with me at my events. I’m always there when you want me to be. Why is it so hard for you to return the goddamn favor?”

  “You’re coming home tomorrow, right?” Xavier asked absently as if he hadn’t heard a word I’d just screamed at him.

  “I don’t know when I’m coming home. I just might stay down here forever.”

  I tapped the red END button so hard I’m surprised I didn’t sprain my finger. I’m not going to let Xavier’s nonsense get to me today. I have to get Aiden to the Gwinnett Center. Dealing with his twenty million questions about where we’re going, why we’re going, and why he needs to put on something else besides sweatpants and a hoodie is enough to deal with. I’m not going to add Xavier’s insecurities over a man who shut the door on his opportunity to be with me to my list. Not today, Satan.

  “What was that all about?” Aiden asked when I entered his bedroom. “Frenchie on his period?”

  “Probably,” I replied. “Your cycles seem to be in sync.”

  Aiden’s booming laugh echoed through the large master bedroom. “Good one, Sunny Rain. That was a good one.”

  “You know I hate to ask and not to sound like you’re mother, but do you have to use the bathroom before we leave. We’re going to be in the SUV for a minute.”

  “I piss sitting down in a plastic container,” he said sharply, his previous happy expression evaporated with the reminder of his current situation. “If I have to piss in the car, I’ll just whip it out. It’s not the first time I’ve peed in a moving vehicle. Where are we going anyway?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  I took the handles of wheelchair and started to push him out of the bedroom. He didn’t ask any more questions until we were in the elevator.

  “You know I hate surprises,” he stated.

  “Lies!” I laughed. “You’re going to love this surprise, even if you did actually hate surprises. And don’t give me any shit about it, Aiden. This is going to be a fun night and no one is going to give a damn about this wheelchair.”

  “Who is no one? Sunny, I told you I don’t want to be out in public like this.”

  “Well, you know what, Aiden,” I snapped. “You need to be out in public like this. You need some fresh air. You need to see people besides Delilah, Kat, and me. More importantly, people need to see you. You’re not dead, not paralyzed, and still the same old asshole you’ve always been. I’m not going to let you wallow in self pity when there’s no need for it.”

  “What’s Mike doing here?” Aiden asked instead of responding to my tirade.

  His drummer, Wild Mike had pulled his Suburban into the turnaround in front of our building and was leaning against it waiting for us.

  “Mike’s our chauffeur for the evening. You think I can lift this wheelchair with your fat ass in it by myself?”<
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  “My ass isn’t fat!” Aiden laughed. “Keep calling me fat and I’m gonna get a complex.”

  “What up, A.T!” Mike shouted. Mike always shouts, even when it’s quiet. I think playing the drums on stage every night has done something to his hearing.

  “Same shit,” Aiden answered dryly but I could tell by the smile in his bright green eyes that he was happy to see his friend. “How’s it hangin’?”

  “Boring as shit,” Mike said as we lifted Aiden, chair and all into the Suburban.

  Mike had removed the first row of seats to make room for the chair. I was going to rent one of those handicapped accessible vans but all of Aiden’s male friends told me that would be a bad idea if I really wanted to take him somewhere. The wheelchair was bad enough. When I gave it a second thought, I knew that Aiden would never go for one of those ramps that beeped every time it’s lowered. It’s a good thing that he has cool friends who would dismantle their personal vehicles just for him.

  Aiden and Mike chatted the entire way to Gwinnett County, mostly about things that I didn’t care about. I was too engaged in a text war with my fiancé to pay attention to their conversation anyway.

  Xavier: What did u mean u may stay forever? Were u serious?

  Me: As a fuckin’ heart attack!

  Xavier: I’m not doin a long distance relationship with you anymore. That’s why u moved here anyway

  Me: I’m not gonna be in a one-sided relationship anymore. Either u start supporting me like I support u or this isn’t gonna work

  Xavier: Are you giving me an ultimatum?

  Me: I’m telling you what I’m not going to put up with anymore. Take from it what you will

  Xavier: That’s fucked up. U act like I’m never there

  Me: Name one time in the last year that you’ve shown up at any event as my plus one and not the other way around. Don’t worry. I’ll wait.

  Xavier: Whatever. We’ll talk about this when you get home. You better come home.

  Me: We’ll see

  When Mike pulled the big black SUV in front of the Gwinnett Center, there was a crowd of people about a two hundred deep standing outside. Parked in the lot were more tour buses and equipment trucks than I’ve ever seen gathered in one place. Tracy had come through for real. The list of performers who were eager to get on stage and do Aiden’s music for him and send their well wishes was longer than my book TBR list. The music industry loves Aiden Tyler.

  Mike got out of the SUV and walked around to open the passenger doors. Aiden turned slightly in his chair and looked at me cautiously. His eyes were swimming with questions that I know he was begging to ask.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I told you that it’s a surprise.”

  “At least tell me whose show this is.”

  “I’m not telling you anything, best friend. You’ll see when we get inside.”

  The doors opened. I saw that Mike had been joined by Joey, Eddie, and Erica. I smiled at Erica. A week into planning, I broke down and told her what I was putting together. Even though she can barely keep a secret unless it’s her secret to keep, my conscience wouldn’t let me keep this from her. Surprisingly, she refrained from telling the whole wide world. I guess she wanted to see the look on Aiden’s face when he realizes that all this is for him too.

  With his entire band flanking his sides and me pushing his wheelchair, Aiden rolled up to the entrance to cheers, whistles, and shouts of “We love you, Aiden!”

  Tilting his head back, Aiden looked up at me. “Sunny, what have you done?”

  “You’ll see in a few seconds, Aiden. Stop asking me. Isn’t it obvious that I’m not telling you?”

  Two security guards opened the glass doors at the entrance of the concert venue. The lobby was dark but I could make out the shapes of all the VIP guests standing around waiting for the big entrance. As soon as we crossed the threshold, a large screen lit up and started to play a video message from Sara, Delilah, Dina, Roxy, Erica, Kat, and me.

  “Surprise!” video us shouted.

  “Aiden,” video Dina spoke. “Son, we all know this is a hard time for you but we want you to know that your current situation doesn’t affect the love that we have for you. You are going to be fine and we will continue to support you and drive you crazy until you tell us to stop.”

  “Which we know you won’t,” video Delilah said. “Because you love us just as much as we love you. And we hope that you understand that everybody in this arena tonight loves you as much as we do. Stay strong and keep fighting, big brother.”

  “GET WELL SOON!” the entire crowd shouted along with the video.

  The lights came on revealing a beautifully decorated lobby, platinum and gold, for our platinum selling artist. I leaned over the back of Aiden’s chair and kissed his cheek.

  “Told you that you were going to love it.”

  “You did this?”

  “I had help.”

  I smiled down at my friend. There was a look in his eyes that I’ve seen before, a glimmer in his bright greens that confirmed what I knew before his mouth said it.

  “I love you, Sunny. I really do.”

  “I know, Aiden. I love you too.”

  Chapter 4: Changes

  “Damn, another surgery, Aiden? What is this one supposed to do that the other one didn’t?”

  It’s been six months since Aiden’s accident. Despite months of physical therapy, his back and right leg are still messed up. He’s walking but it’s pretty painful from what he tells me. At least he’s walking and working though.

  “I don’t know but what else can I do, Sunny? I can’t put out an album and not tour.”

  “Is Dr. Portman sure that you’ll be better after this one?”

  “He’s pretty confident.”

  “Then go for it. You’re gonna need that leg to kick Ramey’s ass in divorce court. Do you need me there for the surgery?”

  “Nah,” Aiden said. “I know you’re busy with the wedding.”

  Hang up, Xavier mouthed beside me.

  “Give me a sec,” I whispered then went back to Aiden. “Where are you going to be around six?”

  “Home. Why?”

  “I’m going to stop by before X and I go to the airport. You and I need to discuss your wife.”

  “Aww man, Sunny,” Aiden groaned. “I don’t want to talk about her.”

  “Well, you have to. If she writes one more thing about me on the stupid little blog, I’m going to send a Cuban hit squad after her.”

  “I’m handling it!” Aiden snapped. “What are you doing in Atlanta?”

  “I had another fitting for my dress. Now Xavier and I are at Neiman’s registering for gifts.”

  Aiden burst out laughing. “You’re registering for gifts at Neiman Marcus? That’s quite pretentious of you, Sunny Rain. You know I’m not buying anything off your gift registry, right?”

  “Of course you aren’t. That wouldn’t be like you. Still, you only have two months to buy us the perfect wedding gift.”

  “Do I have to buy you a Christmas gift too?”

  I smiled. “Absolutely.”

  “Spoiled ass. Call me back,” Aiden said. “I have to finish this album cover art before Joey sends a Cuban hit squad after me. Love you.”

  “Right back at cha.”

  “You’re funny,” Aiden chuckled. “Tell your little boyfriend he’s still a douche.”


  I hadn’t been off my call two seconds before Xavier pounced.

  “What was that all about?”

  “I was just checking on Aiden. He got some bad news about his back today.”

  I stopped in front of a display of ornate dinnerware and ran my finger along the rim of a brushed gold bowl.

  “I like this one.”

  “Yeah.” Xavier nodded. “That’s definitely our style. Add it to the list.”

  Despite the sullen expression on Xavier’s face, I could tell that he was getting more anxious and excited ab
out our upcoming wedding the longer we stayed in Neimans. Only two more months. We’re going to spend a few weeks in Greece when the season ends. Since we can’t take a honeymoon right away, I’m going with Delilah to help build houses in New Orleans. I can’t wait to start signing things Mrs. Sunny Duchamp. It’s going to be so weird.

  “What’s Ramey saying about you now?”

  I frowned at the interruption of my happy thought, especially since it was about Ramey. The latest entry on her blog was seared into my brain. I’ve read it so many times that I know it by heart.

  Aiden and his supposed best friend are such a joke. I hate Sunny. She’s just some hippie stylist who’s not even that good of a designer. She needs to go to Europe and see real designers. That whole “Give Peace a Chance” movement is over!

  Anyway, Sunny and Aiden have kept up this charade for years. But I’m not a fool. They cannot continue to try and deceive me. This affair has gone on long enough. They can have each other. Aiden knows that infidelity is grounds for a divorce. All I want is for him to finally do the right thing and not put me through this crazy divorce. Hasn’t he embarrassed me enough?

  “The same stuff she’s been saying,” I told my fiancé. “She needs a reason to give the public about why her marriage is over and she’ll never let anyone know that it’s because she’s a heartless and manipulative bitch.”

  “Is she still saying that you and him are messing around?”

  I lifted my eyes to see the worried expression on Xavier’s face. I hate this, I really do. I hate Ramey for driving this wedge in my relationship. I don’t know how many ways I can tell him that I’m not screwing my best friend.

  “X,” I answered in a gentle tone despite how aggravated I am. “Baby, forget about what Ramey thinks. I swear that nothing has happened between me and Aiden since way before I met you.”

  Xavier wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I felt his lips touch my forehead and sighed.

  “I believe you, babe. I just don’t want people saying bad shit about you, especially since you’re already so stressed about the wedding.”